Physics Energy

  1. 8. force gotten out of a machine
  2. 10. a device that's thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end
  3. 12. circuit with two or more pathways
  4. 13. the # of times a machine increases a force put onto it
  5. 14. rigid bar that moves at its fulcrum
  6. 15. energy of motion
  1. 1. a sloped, flat surface
  2. 2. basis for all other forms of machines
  3. 3. pathway that allows electrons to flow through
  4. 4. the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy
  5. 5. simple machine that has a rope that fits into a groove in a wheel
  6. 6. inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder
  7. 7. simple machine that has two circular objects of different sizes
  8. 9. stored energy
  9. 11. circuit with one pathway
  10. 16. force put on a machine