Physics Final Winter Snow

  1. 3. before the 1600's when the universe revolved around the earth
  2. 6. The unit of measure for force is what?
  3. 13. An outward force that is center "fleeing"
  4. 15. Force x Distance
  5. 16. The type of momentum you have when you do a forward somersault is?
  6. 17. an outward force that is center "seeking"
  7. 18. Mass times Acceleration MA MxA
  8. 19. 742 watts is equal to 1 what?
  9. 21. Energy __=mgh
  10. 24. Genetic accident
  11. 27. Pulleys, levers, screws, the wheel and axis are all types of what?
  12. 28. When the axis is external
  13. 29. When you throw an object in the air and there is friction that friction is called what?
  14. 30. When you look at a speedometer the speed at any instant is called what?
  15. 31. The quantity of matter in an object
  16. 32. Total distance covered divided by time interval
  17. 33. A speed in a given direction
  18. 34. The force of all forces acting on an object
  19. 36. The unit of measure for mass
  20. 40. When the net force equals 0
  21. 42. The force of gravity on an object
  22. 43. If I slid a ball across and infinite long table the ball could go forever if there was no what?
  23. 44. The unit of measure for power
  24. 45. What is the language of physics
  25. 46. Its not pushy its.....
  1. 1. The measure of how fast something is moving
  2. 2. When the universe revolves around you, you are
  3. 4. The smallest particle ever
  4. 5. A device to multiply or change the direction of forces
  5. 7. Any push or pull
  6. 8. When the axis is internal
  7. 9. F/M=_ Force divided by Mass equals ______
  8. 10. Rise over Run
  9. 11. When the universe revolved around the sun
  10. 12. Work/Time W divided by T
  11. 14. Force x lever arm
  12. 18. The combining of two atoms into one atom
  13. 20. A quantity divided by time
  14. 22. When your center of gravity is past your support base you are?
  15. 23. The amount of force per unit of area
  16. 24. Input over out put =________
  17. 25. The unit of measure for work
  18. 26. The pivot point of a lever
  19. 35. Inertia in motion
  20. 36. Energy __=1/2MV^2 ___=.5 x Mass x Velocity Squared
  21. 37. The splitting of one atom into two atoms
  22. 38. An object that is falling without any resistance is in what?
  23. 39. The straight line around which rotation takes place
  24. 41. Change in momentum
  25. 42. H2O