Physics Winter Break +10%

  1. 1. amount of force applied over an area
  2. 3. number of cabinets and drawers in this classroom
  3. 5. the strongest shape in nature
  4. 6. a video sharing app owned by the Chinese company, Bytedance
  5. 7. the shape that evenly spreads forces
  6. 8. the last name of our president according to the Coney Island Ski Club.
  7. 9. the title of the newest Spider-Man movie
  8. 10. a twisting or turning force
  9. 12. a bridge reinforced with a semicircle underneath
  10. 13. type of bridge known for its strong sides made of triangles.
  11. 15. a bridge suspended in the air by strong cables
  12. 18. a push or a pull
  1. 1. who is Kim Kardashian currently dating
  2. 2. the number of movable bridges in Chicago
  3. 4. a normal flat bridge with no extra supports
  4. 8. suspected to be immortal, this older actress recently passed away
  5. 11. this space telescope recently launched and is meant to replace Hubble.
  6. 14. the weakest shape in nature
  7. 16. Bears coach who just got fired
  8. 17. the virus that has been in the news for 2 years straight