
  1. 4. the point in which both variables in a coordinate system have the value of 0
  2. 7. defined as the change in position, divided by the time during which the change occured
  3. 9. quantities such as position
  4. 10. a graph that can be used to determine on object´s velocity and position
  5. 12. the position of any object at any particular instant in time
  6. 13. line,vibration, arc, circular
  7. 14. quantities such as temperature or distance that are just witout numbers
  8. 15. distance traveled per hour; the distance traveled divided by the time taken
  9. 17. the act of changing of palace or position.
  10. 18. a change in position having both magnified an direction
  11. 21. a scale of quantity of how far an objective is from the objective
  12. 22. the separation between an object and the origin it can be (+) or (-)
  1. 1. a serie of image showing the position of moving objects
  2. 2. a vector that result from the first vector
  3. 3. the difference between two times
  4. 5. an object at a particular instant or at a particular point of its path
  5. 6. tells you that locate of 0 point of the variable
  6. 8. temperature, distance, length, etc...
  7. 11. a simplified version of motion diagram
  8. 16. a characteristic of measure value describing the deegre of exactness of measurement
  9. 19. a branch of sience
  10. 20. a characteristic of measure values that describe how well the results measurement agree