
  1. 3. any kind of push or pull on an object
  2. 4. change in position
  3. 5. Newton's first law of motion is also called this
  4. 6. change in velocity over time
  5. 8. speed and direction
  6. 9. energy that is found stored in food or fuel
  7. 10. ultraviolet radiation is an example of this type of wave
  8. 13. a material in which charges (electrons) can move easily
  9. 15. compressional wave moving through matter
  10. 16. the type of circuit where there is more than one path to the battery
  11. 17. and opposing force
  12. 19. the movement of electrons
  13. 22. the ability to do work, or exert force, and move things in the direction of that force
  14. 23. this type of energy includes both fusion and fission
  15. 24. a simple machine that changes the direction of the force
  1. 1. electromagnetic radiation that we can see
  2. 2. energy that is stored
  3. 6. the distance a wave rises or falls from its rest position
  4. 7. electricity makes this temporarily magnetic
  5. 11. SI(metric) unit for measuring weight
  6. 12. unit for measuring the power of an object
  7. 14. the bending of a wave through a new medium
  8. 18. acceleration of 9.8 m/s/s
  9. 20. the type of mirror found in car headlights or flashlights
  10. 21. when an object moves a distance in the direction of the force applied