
  1. 2. unit of energy
  2. 4. unit of force
  3. 6. an object's resistance to change its motion
  4. 10. when an object gets further from the ground, it's potential energy __________
  5. 11. smallest particle of a substance that can exist by itself or be combined
  6. 12. For an object to gain energy, ______ must be done on the object
  7. 14. energy/energy of motion
  8. 15. can't be destroyed or made
  1. 1. push or pull on an object
  2. 3. energy energy of position
  3. 5. the force of gravity on an object
  4. 7. when an object falls, its potential energy_________
  5. 8. speed in any direction
  6. 9. 9.81 m/s2
  7. 13. fall when the pull of gravity on an object is unhindered