
  1. 3. nuclear force the force that holds particles together
  2. 10. mass unit to express atomic weights
  3. 11. elementary particle of matter
  4. 12. specific # of protons and neutrons
  5. 13. energy energy the holds nucleus together
  6. 15. decay when an electron is emitted
  7. 16. a proton or neutron
  8. 18. reaction a chemical reaction of products
  9. 20. number total # of protons and neutrons
  10. 22. half of the radioactive value
  1. 1. splitting
  2. 2. carriers give rise to forces between other particles
  3. 4. joining two or more things together
  4. 5. production changing of radiation quantum to electron and positron
  5. 6. emission of ionizing radiation
  6. 7. decay atomic nucleus loses energy
  7. 8. reaction change the identity of the atomic nucleus
  8. 9. a subatomic particle
  9. 14. nuclear force responsible for beta and decay of hadrons
  10. 17. model math model of elementary particles of matter
  11. 19. decay # of reduced by 4 an atomic number by 2
  12. 21. when things are being done