
  1. 2. production of force and the distance through which it acts
  2. 4. axis of rotation of a body
  3. 7. also a unit of power
  4. 9. are quantities with both magnitude and direction
  5. 11. unit of pressure
  6. 13. velocity at an instant
  7. 17. the motion projected with an angle and continues to travel only gravitational acceleration and without air resistance
  8. 19. pounds per square inch
  9. 20. unit of mass
  10. 21. the horizontal distance traveled by the object
  11. 23. the coefficient of friction
  12. 25. forces lie on the same plane
  13. 26. average pressure exerted by the earth’s atmosphere at sea level
  14. 28. is defined as the ratio of the magnitude of the force and the area of the surface
  15. 29. a comparison
  16. 32. are forces that meet at the same point
  17. 33. doesn't change the state of motion
  18. 35. defined as the ratio of the mass and volume, weight and volume
  19. 36. friction at rest
  20. 38. rate of doing work
  21. 39. unit of force
  22. 41. product of mass and density
  23. 43. Newton’s first law of motion
  1. 1. the product of force and its perpendicular distance from the point of support
  2. 3. resistance which opposes the movement of the one body over another
  3. 5. the ability to do work and the transformation that they produce
  4. 6. the time of change of velocity
  5. 7. instrument, measure specific gravity of liquid
  6. 8. unit of power
  7. 10. a push or pull exerted by a body
  8. 12. the principle buoyant force of a submerged object is equal to the displaced liquid
  9. 13. product of force and time
  10. 14. path of projectile
  11. 15. blood pressure
  12. 16. maximum height the object can reach
  13. 18. unit of work
  14. 19. the instrument use to determine atmospheric pressure
  15. 22. Newton’s third law of motion
  16. 24. a single vector which represents the sum of two or more vectors
  17. 27. the time rate of change of displacement
  18. 30. the motion on a straight line
  19. 31. are quantities with magnitude only
  20. 34. measure pressure
  21. 37. friction in motion
  22. 40. has a frame of reference
  23. 42. other unit of pressure