
  1. 4. The woman in white robes ..... innocence.
  2. 5. This is a simple and quickly-made drawing without many details.
  3. 6. Such a painting must cost millions of dollars, it’s ...... .
  4. 10. This is a very ..... portrayal of the historical event.
  5. 11. The painting has a ...... that important events often go unnoticed.
  6. 15. This is the art of painting where colours are mixed with water.
  7. 17. Sometimes the ..... of a picture is more valuable than the painting itself.
  8. 18. This is a painting which presents a person.
  9. 19. The Battle at Grunwald by Matejko presents a famous battle ..... .
  10. 20. “The Three Graces”.....three women dancing and representing Love, Joy and Revelry.
  1. 1. Still ..... is a picture of an arrangement of some objects especially flowers and fruit.
  2. 2. This is a drawing that is done with a type of a chalk made with powdery substance, it is in many different colours.
  3. 3. What I like about the picture is an accurate ..... of the detail.
  4. 7. The master wonderfully ..... the feeling of confusion and anxiety.
  5. 8. This is a picture that shows scenery.
  6. 9. The scene ..... me of my childhood.
  7. 12. We can see a figure who is ..... to lose his life.
  8. 13. In the ..... you can see a woman who is surrounded by her children.
  9. 14. In the ..... I can see cliffs that curve away in the distance.
  10. 16. On the ..... we can see a number of individuals.