
  1. 2. you need to have what with kids
  2. 5. if your kid is being bullied make sure you ___ to them
  3. 10. the thing that is important for your kid to grow up in healthy
  4. 12. children tend to compare themselves to pears
  5. 13. a fun activity to calm kids down
  6. 18. at age 10 kids have longer
  7. 19. when you kid is afraid of something
  8. 21. separation anxiety is more found at these months
  9. 23. this age kids start to have insecurity's with themselves
  10. 24. surround your kids with these at a young age to build friendships
  1. 1. this wont help your kid listen to you more
  2. 3. when your kid is stressed try to ___ it out
  3. 4. children should eat this everyday
  4. 6. its important to teach your child what skills
  5. 7. track you child's
  6. 8. surround your kid with behaved
  7. 9. children need this everyday to survive water
  8. 11. teach your kid what is _____ instead of getting mad
  9. 14. instead of electronics you can do this before bed
  10. 15. can help calm a screaming infant
  11. 16. kids mimic their peers mostly at this age
  12. 17. dont let you kid use an ipad right before
  13. 20. teach kids healthy ways to cope with their
  14. 22. how many teeth should a 3 year old have