- 1. food tube
- 5. bile
- 7. food storage
- 8. insulin
- 13. spiraled large intestine
- 14. vocal cord opening
- 17. most of small intestine
- 20. stores urine
- 22. sperm/testosterone
- 23. detoxifies poisons
- 25. connect intestines
- 2. urine
- 3. brings bile to duodenum
- 4. enzymes
- 6. helps food go from mouth to stomach
- 9. feces released
- 10. flattened organ with stomach
- 11. taste
- 12. air in/out of lungs
- 15. breathing
- 16. voice
- 18. production of eggs
- 19. removal of waste
- 21. fetus development
- 24. largest organ