Pine Whispers

  1. 2. former school title
  2. 3. holiday involving a rodent
  3. 8. an RJR scholarship
  4. 10. every four years there's a ....
  5. 12. a common Valentine's Day gift
  6. 13. "------" New Year
  7. 14. all "------" orchestra
  8. 15. Nicki Minaj
  1. 1. a prominent club on campus
  2. 4. part of the brain involved with gambling
  3. 5. a type of college
  4. 6. players who never mess up
  5. 7. what time could high schools be starting at soon?
  6. 9. if you want a better chance of playing sports professionally you might
  7. 11. number of educators having babies at RJR
  8. 13. a common edible Valentine's Day gift