
  1. 2. __les Teller
  2. 3. 100/5
  3. 6. Better than great
  4. 7. Abducted child in stranger things
  5. 8. 3x + 8 = 30. x = ?
  6. 10. “howdy __”
  7. 12. Fourth month
  8. 13. To ___ or not to ____
  9. 14. not first but ______
  1. 1. Your last name
  2. 4. 21st letter of alphabet
  3. 5. The grade of 10-11 year olds
  4. 6. Your first name
  5. 8. what Mia and Andy pretend to be
  6. 9. white+red
  7. 11. Tom ___ Jerry