pink :]

  1. 8. ¼ of something
  2. 10. competes in Pentathlon
  3. 15. single train track
  4. 17. book or series with 3 parts
  5. 18. voice does not change pitch
  6. 19. split into ten
  7. 20. 5 events
  1. 1. three colors
  2. 2. solo part of a script
  3. 3. four kids
  4. 4. same meaning as quadrilateral but angles
  5. 5. 10 events
  6. 6. popular over market
  7. 7. competes in decathlon
  8. 9. twice a month
  9. 11. 5 kids
  10. 12. split into 2
  11. 13. three events
  12. 14. three kids
  13. 16. twice a week
  14. 17. 4 legs