Pioneer 2a

  1. 5. The baby bird was ... its wings, but it couldn't take off.
  2. 6. An animal that eats both meat and plants.
  3. 7. The young of a frog or a toad, it has a tail and lives in water.
  4. 8. A baby deer, i.e. Bambi.
  5. 9. A plance where a mammal (e.g. a lion) hides or sleeps.
  6. 11. If you don't intervene, you let nature take its ...
  7. 12. If you are working diligently on something you are ... away. (animal idiom)
  8. 14. The baby of marsupials, e.g. koalas. It lives in its mother's pouch.
  9. 15. Gentle, not aggressive by nature (animal).
  10. 17. A group of puppies born at the same time.
  11. 19. Disastrous, destructive.
  12. 20. Violent, bloody, brutal (e.g. scene).
  13. 21. A baby whale/camel/elephant.
  14. 22. To (artificially) initiate something, e.g. labour, or provoke a certain behaviour.
  1. 1. A squab is a baby ...
  2. 2. An adjective to describe foxes, simialar to sly, deceitful.
  3. 3. If someone is harassing someone, they are ... them, e.g. paparazzi do this to celebs. (animal idiom)
  4. 4. A female pig, usually one that has piglets.
  5. 5. When something is disapproved of it is ... upon.
  6. 8. A baby horse.
  7. 10. Humble,not respected. E.g. a lion's success rate of hunting is a ... 25%.
  8. 13. The confined space in a zoo where an animal can move freely.
  9. 16. If an animal lives in a zoo, it lives in ... (not free in the wild).
  10. 18. People's perception or widespread opinion of sb/sth.