Pioneers of Plate Tectonics

  1. 3. Continental Drift was not a theory, it was a _____
  2. 5. Alfred Wegener's middle name
  3. 6. A fern-like fossil that helped support Wegener
  4. 7. The name of Wegener's proposed supercontinent
  5. 8. Evidence of these very cold structures has been found in warm places such as southern Africa
  6. 11. Mid-ocean ridges are where the _____est rock on Earth is forming
  1. 1. Harry _____.Geology professor at Princeton who discovered seafloor spreading
  2. 2. Harry Hess discovered _________ points in the middle of the ocean
  3. 4. Iron in basaltic ocean crust points towards magnetic north
  4. 9. A fossil fuel that is formed in tropical rainforest climates/environments
  5. 10. Harry Hess discovered that the _____est points of the ocean were close to land