Piotr's Hinduism Crossword!

  1. 3. Cherishing a supernatural being.
  2. 4. The Sustainer
  3. 6. A Supernatural Being.
  4. 9. The Creator
  5. 10. Good luck or bad luck, depending on someone's actions.
  6. 11. The Destroyer.
  7. 12. sacred canonical Hindu texts
  8. 14. A worship ritual.
  9. 17. A sculpture of a human, god or animal.
  10. 18. Release from the cycle of rebirth with good karma.
  1. 1. The Sanskrit term for a "Mentor, Guide, Expert or Master."
  2. 2. is one of the major Hindu traditions, Worshipping Shiva as the Supreme Being
  3. 5. a Sanskrit word for the true or eternal Self or the self-existent essence of each Human.
  4. 7. a 700 verse Hindu Scripture
  5. 8. This word means "The Lord of Obstacles"
  6. 9. a Vedic Sanskrit word that states Paul Deussen, as the "creative principle which lies realized in the whole world"
  7. 12. A 2nd or new birth.
  8. 13. Any supernatural being
  9. 15. This word means "wandering through, flowing on"
  10. 16. A female diety