Pita and Joanna

  1. 2. Infected/inflamed sebaceous glands in the skin
  2. 4. System that moves blood through the body
  3. 8. This system includes the largest organ
  4. 9. A type of arthritis that occurs when flexible tissue at the end of the bones wears down
  5. 13. System that moves the body
  6. 14. Where the bile or stomach acid irritates the food pipe lining
  7. 15. Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury
  1. 1. A highly contagious virus that infects the respiratory system
  2. 3. The disordered physiological processes associated with disease or injury
  3. 5. The likely course of a disease or aliment
  4. 6. System that breaks/processes food
  5. 7. Palsy congenital disorder that affects the posture, balance and motor functions
  6. 10. Weakness of the blood vessel wall in the brain that fills with blood
  7. 11. System that takes in oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide
  8. 12. System that supports the body