Pitch and Rhythm Crossword

  1. 3. 4 beats of silence
  2. 5. 5 notes
  3. 7. high or low a sound is
  4. 9. 4 beats of sound
  5. 13. tells where "Do" is
  6. 14. 1 beat of sound
  7. 15. 5 lines and 4 spaces
  8. 16. 1 beat of silence
  1. 1. 8 notes
  2. 2. language for rhythm
  3. 4. symbols that are silent
  4. 6. 2 beats of sound
  5. 8. 2 beats of silence
  6. 10. symbols that make sound
  7. 11. unit that breaks down the staff
  8. 12. language for pitch