
  1. 3. bass An accompaniment style used in jazz.
  2. 4. centre The tone or note around which a scale and/or piece are based
  3. 8. The notes of a chord played separately rather than together.
  4. 10. Another word for melodic ostinato.
  5. 11. An interval smaller than a semitone.
  6. 16. contour The shape of the melody in a piece of music.
  7. 20. A note in one chord that is held into the next chord, creating dissonance and tension.
  8. 21. A sound that is unpleasing to the ear.
  9. 22. The immediate repetition of a melodic fragment at a different pitch.
  10. 24. The 'colour' added by the composer to decorate a melody or harmony and make it more interesting.
  11. 25. The scale often heard in the jazz genre.
  12. 27. The pitch chosen by the composer, usually based on a scale or mode
  13. 28. The extent of the notes used in a melody.
  14. 29. A melodic fragment that is heard throughout a piece of music that helps to unify the work.
  15. 31. A scale consisting of all twelve semitones.
  16. 32. A sound that is pleasing to the ear.
  17. 33. The highness and lowness of sound.
  1. 1. point A held or repeated note, usually in the bass.
  2. 2. riff A repeated harmonic pattern.
  3. 4. A chord of three notes.
  4. 5. bass An accompaniment style from the Classical period.
  5. 6. Two or more pitches sounding together.
  6. 7. pitch Tuned sounds e.g. singing voice.
  7. 9. Performing music spontaneously, without planning.
  8. 11. The change of key in a piece of music.
  9. 12. A horizontal succession of pitches.
  10. 13. The 'height' of the sound, as in high, middle or low.
  11. 14. bar blues A chord progression derived from early jazz music.
  12. 15. tone Scale made up of equal intervals.
  13. 16. The earliest documented scale system, dating back to ancient Greece.
  14. 17. The ending of a phrase that can be 'perfect', 'plagal', 'imperfect' or 'interrupted'.
  15. 18. One or more notes held throughout a piece or section of music.
  16. 19. pitch Untuned sounds e.g. speaking voice.
  17. 23. A scale made up of five notes.
  18. 26. Several, often ornamented notes sung to one syllable of text.
  19. 30. _______ music has no tonal centre or key.