Pixar Characters by quotes

  1. 1. Fly home Buddy, I work alone
  2. 3. Alright you cluckers
  3. 4. The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability
  4. 8. And let me guess we're naked? Called it
  5. 10. You have no idea what a pleasure it is for me to finally beat you
  6. 12. Ever since I turned 13, I've been doin' my own thing, makin' my own moves; 24/7/365. I wear what I want, say what I want, and I will not hesitate to do a spontaneous cartwheel if I feel so moved
  8. 14. Tell me I wasn't this deluded
  9. 15. You'll be in charge of the console, keeping Riley happy all day long
  10. 20. So, we meet again, Buzz Lightyear. For the last time
  11. 21. Open your eyes, Woody. There's plenty of kids out there. Sometimes change can be good!
  12. 23. Pretend this is a seed
  13. 24. Oh great. I'm talking to Bessie now. I'm talking to Bessie!
  14. 25. unless this school is full of boring useless classes. Which it probably will be
  15. 26. Boy this was the best day ever. And my favorite souvenir, this new dent
  16. 27. I'm on the cover of a magazine
  17. 28. How are WE supposed to be Joy
  1. 2. Look, why don't we play a game I know? Whoever is quietest for the longest time wins
  2. 5. There are those who say fate is something beyond our command
  3. 6. Just get out there and show 'em what Mike Wazowski can do
  4. 7. Directive
  5. 9. Mine are named Maria, Juarita, Ronaldo, and Debbie Richardson
  6. 11. Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life's problems
  7. 15. I don't know but I'm going to live every moment of it
  8. 16. The word I'm searching for, I can't say
  9. 17. HA! Never heard that one before
  10. 18. That's my dad, he took on a shark
  11. 19. I think you dropped something mister
  12. 22. I believe, with a little magic in your life, anything is possible
  13. 28. Just keep swimming