- 7. what did Percy break that belonged to Clarisse
- 9. Who does Charon not like
- 10. Also known in Greek as Anaklusmos
- 11. What chapter does Percy's Road of Trials Begin
- 12. What stage did Percy start in Chapter Five
- 13. How many times have the Fur-Kindly ones-made an appearance in the text
- 14. Who s Percy's Father
- 1. What chapter did Percy Annabeth and Grover slip past the Cerubus
- 2. What chapter does Percy get Supernatural Aid
- 3. What chapter does Percy's Supreme Ordeal happen
- 4. What Chapter does Percy's Magic Flight Happen
- 5. What is the pit Percy sees in his dreams
- 6. The nickname for Procrustes
- 8. What does Charon settle for to let Percy Annabeth and Grover to the Underworld