PJRounds B D'Ambrosio

  1. 7. what did Percy break that belonged to Clarisse
  2. 9. Who does Charon not like
  3. 10. Also known in Greek as Anaklusmos
  4. 11. What chapter does Percy's Road of Trials Begin
  5. 12. What stage did Percy start in Chapter Five
  6. 13. How many times have the Fur-Kindly ones-made an appearance in the text
  7. 14. Who s Percy's Father
  1. 1. What chapter did Percy Annabeth and Grover slip past the Cerubus
  2. 2. What chapter does Percy get Supernatural Aid
  3. 3. What chapter does Percy's Supreme Ordeal happen
  4. 4. What Chapter does Percy's Magic Flight Happen
  5. 5. What is the pit Percy sees in his dreams
  6. 6. The nickname for Procrustes
  7. 8. What does Charon settle for to let Percy Annabeth and Grover to the Underworld