Place and Liveability

  1. 4. ______ factors makes people want to move away from a place.
  2. 5. Weather, natural disasters, green spaces and even building design can impact the ____________ quality of a place.
  3. 6. This is a subjective and quantitative survey on the liveability of a place.
  4. 7. The amount of services and facilities available in a place.
  1. 1. Community identity or social _________ is important when feeling like you belong to a place.
  2. 2. Relating to business, trade, and money!
  3. 3. _____ factor encourages people to move to a place.
  4. 4. How you view something - each person have a different one of these based on their background!
  5. 8. When constructing a map, this acronym helps you to remember what to add to it.