Place Value

  1. 3. Value of a digit as determined by its location in a number such as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, etc.
  2. 4. Any number from 0-9
  3. 5. determine if numbers are greater or less than or if they are equal in value
  4. 8. A quantity that may represent part of a whole and is recorded with a decimal point separating the whole from the part
  5. 9. Set of positive numbers that begins at 1 and increases by 1 each time
  6. 10. Representation of a number using written words
  7. 11. Three digit grouping of whole numbers where each grouping is composed of a ones place, tens place, and hundreds place and each grouping is separated by a comma
  1. 1. Set of counting numbers and zero
  2. 2. Representation of a number using digits
  3. 6. Representation of a number as a sum of place values
  4. 7. To arrange a set of numbers based on their numerical value