Place Value

  1. 3. to exchange amounts of equal value to rename a number
  2. 6. the name given to each group of three digits in a place-value chart
  3. 7. the answer to a subtraction problem
  4. 9. a number that has a digit in the tenths place, hundreths place and beyond
  5. 11. the usual way of writing a number that shows only its digits no words
  1. 1. a way of writing numbers using words
  2. 2. the answer to an addition problem
  3. 4. a way of writing a number as the sum of the value of its digits
  4. 5. the value of a digit in a number, based on the location of the digit
  5. 8. a period separating the ones and the tenths in a decimal number
  6. 10. to replace a number with another number that tells about how many or how much