Place Value

  1. 4. How many litres are equal to 405,000 ml?
  2. 5. The value of the digit 4 in 564,321
  3. 7. One quarter of the way between 17,000 and 18,000
  4. 8. Half of the way between 899,700 and 899,800
  5. 10. Ten thousand and one
  6. 11. 4,908,999 rounded to the nearest thousand
  7. 13. Prime number
  8. 14. Half way between 43,700 and 44,700
  9. 15. One tenth of 850
  10. 17. One million, six hundred and seventy-two thousand, three hundred and two
  11. 20. 8,000 + 500 + 600,000 + 20,000 + 76 =
  12. 22. Square root of 144
  13. 24. 345,621 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand
  14. 25. Six thousand, seven hundred and eighty-eight
  15. 26. Two thousand three hundred and four rounded to the nearest hundred
  16. 27. One fifth of the way between 1,000,000 and 2,000,000
  17. 28. Three cubed
  18. 29. Half way between 525,000 and 526,000
  1. 1. Four million, five hundred and sixty-seven thousand, nine hundred and thirteen
  2. 2. Fifty-four thousand, five hundred and fifty-five rounded to the nearest thousand
  3. 3. Ninety thousand, seven hundred and one
  4. 5. 466,901 rounded to the nearest 1000
  5. 6. Seven squared
  6. 9. Three million, three thousand, five hundred and twelve
  7. 12. 439,301 = 400,000 + 30,000 + ______ + 300 + 1
  8. 14. 400,000 + 7,000 + 800 + 10 + 2
  9. 16. One thousand hundredths
  10. 18. The value of the digit 7 in 7,653,333
  11. 19. Three thousand tenths
  12. 21. Half way between 888,802 and 888,862
  13. 22. In the morning the temperature is -14°C. At 1pm the temperature is 4°C. How many degrees has the temperature risen?
  14. 23. Three quarters of the way between 0 and 10,000