Place Value

  1. 2. A ___________ has a value of one dime or 1 out of 10.
  2. 4. A ___________ has a value of one penny or 1 out of 100.
  3. 9. Writing a number in digits is ___________.
  1. 1. Writing a number by multiplying the digit by its value is ___________.
  2. 2. You are finding the _________ when you are putting parts together.
  3. 3. A ___________ has a value of one dollar, 10 tenths, or 100 hundredths.
  4. 5. A ___________ represents the value of digits less than a whole.
  5. 6. Writing a number by expanding the value of each digit is ___________.
  6. 7. You are finding the _________ when you are comparing two numbers.
  7. 8. Writing a number in words is ___________.