Place Value Crossword

  1. 2. Form-An alternate for students to write a given number focusing on the value of each digit.
  2. 6. Than- >
  3. 8. A four-digit number that is less than 9,999 and greater than 99.
  4. 10. Form- Expressing numbers using numbers
  5. 12. A one-digit number that is worth less than 10.
  1. 1. Value- the value of a digit in a number
  2. 3. Numbers 0-9
  3. 4. having the same value
  4. 5. Form- Expressing numbers by spelling them out
  5. 7. A three-digit number that is less than 1,000 and greater than 99.
  6. 9. Than- <
  7. 11. A two-digit number that is less than 100 and greater than 9.