Place Value Vocabulary

  1. 3. a number between 0 and 9
  2. 5. The amount each digit is worth
  3. 8. Writing a number using each digit's value.
  4. 9. Where the digit is located on a place value chart.
  5. 10. Writing a number using words.
  6. 11. Number represented by place value (4 thousands, 6 hundreds, 1 ten, 5 ones)
  1. 1. A period of 3 places which are the ones, tens, and hundreds.
  2. 2. The value of a digit based on its position in a number.
  3. 4. A period of 3 places which are the thousands, ten-thousands, and hundred-thousands.
  4. 6. Writing a number using digits.
  5. 7. A symbol that separates the ones period from the thousands period.