Place Value

  1. 1. number of different digits in 2 222 222
  2. 3. the place value of the 3 in 0.36
  3. 6. the number of digits in 987
  4. 9. also known in math as 'point'
  5. 10. place value just to the right of tenths
  6. 12. single numbers from 0 to 9
  1. 2. made up of one or more digits
  2. 4. four spaces to the left of decimal
  3. 5. next biggest after 100 thousands
  4. 7. digit in the hundredths place in 7654
  5. 8. the place value of 5 in 78 562
  6. 11. digit in the millions place in 18 293 476
  7. 13. the place value two spaces to the left of decimal