Place Value

  1. 2. There is a 1 in the 100thousand place
  2. 4. There is a 0 in the ones place
  3. 6. Every place value is 9
  4. 8. It is less than 60 thousand and more than 55 thousand
  5. 9. It is less than 1 million 500thousand and more than 1 million 400thousand.
  1. 1. There is a 8 on the ten thousands place.
  2. 3. It is less than 1million 200thousand and more than 1million
  3. 5. It is less than 200 thousand, but more than 18 thousand
  4. 7. There is a 3 on the hundreds place
  5. 10. There is a 6 on the hundreds place