Place Value

  1. 1. Helps to organize the large numbers
  2. 5. The first place on the right of the decimal
  3. 7. The place before the thousandths
  4. 11. The place the i is in: 1,b&e,2iq
  5. 12. Also called units
  6. 13. The place before the tenths
  1. 2. The place the 7 is in: 7,111,111.11
  2. 3. The place the 4 is in: 328+75-1
  3. 4. The place before the hundredths
  4. 6. The place you get when you add 10 hundreds
  5. 8. Thousands The place the & is in: 1,b&e,2iq
  6. 9. Point Spoken and written as "and"
  7. 10. Thousands The place the h is in: f,hjs,