Place Value

  1. 4. / 1 Hundred + ____ Tens + 2 ones equal 142
  2. 5. / 4 Thousands + 3 Hundreds + 2 Tens + ____ ones equal 4,329
  3. 6. / 23, number 3 is part of the ____ place
  4. 7. / There are _____ Thousands in the number 8,000
  5. 10. / 5,324, number 5 is part of the ______ place
  6. 13. Vale / Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, and ones are part of ______
  1. 1. / How many zeros does hundreds place consist of?
  2. 2. / How many zeros does ones place consist of?
  3. 3. / 129, number 2 is part of the _____ place
  4. 4. / There are _____ tens in 50
  5. 8. / 352, number 3 is part of the _______ place
  6. 9. / How many zeros does thousands place consist of?
  7. 11. / There are ______ hundreds in 700
  8. 12. / There are ___ ones in the number 6