Places around a town or city

  1. 4. You go there when you want to buy fruit and vegetables.
  2. 7. You go there when you want to buy a new book.
  3. 10. You go there when you want to buy some flowers.
  4. 11. You go there to take the train.
  5. 12. You go there when you want to buy some meat.
  1. 1. You go there to buy things for an office.
  2. 2. Children go there to learn new things and make friends.
  3. 3. You go there when you want to buy a pair of pants.
  4. 5. You go there when you want to buy some bread.
  5. 6. You go there when you want to post a letter.
  6. 8. You go there when you are ill.
  7. 9. You go there when you want to buy an aspirin.