Plan of Happiness

  1. 1. when Adam and Eve sinned
  2. 5. tended the sheep at first
  3. 6. to pay the price in exchange for
  4. 8. Lamoni's father was ___ over all Lamanites
  5. 11. asking forgiveness of our sins
  6. 13. God's plan of _____ for us
  7. 14. the king did this to show humility before God
  8. 15. separation of body and spirit
  1. 2. first man
  2. 3. first woman
  3. 4. tried to tell his father about God
  4. 6. brings body and spirit together
  5. 7. Jesus Christ ____ the earth for us
  6. 9. causes spiritual death
  7. 10. when Jesus suffered for our sins
  8. 12. spent time in Lamanite prison