Plane Travel

  1. 1. to reserve or purchase tickets or housing when traveling
  2. 7. the lane or path between columns of seats
  3. 8. the process in an airport when one's body and possessions are checked if safe or not
  4. 9. to register with your airline before your flight at an airport
  5. 10. a company offering transportation services via planes
  6. 11. a flight that goes from one location to another, and then returns to the same place
  7. 14. to pay to temporarily use something that belongs to an outside party or group
  8. 15. a company or person who mediates between airlines and customers
  9. 16. the document governments issue that allow foreigners to enter their country
  10. 17. an international ID allowing one to enter and exit foreign countries
  11. 18. the bags and containers used when traveling to store items
  12. 21. to get on to a plane
  1. 2. a flight that goes to one location but does not return
  2. 3. a journey on a plane, typically only from one place to another
  3. 4. when, before you have reached your destination, you change planes or modes of transportation
  4. 5. to get off a plane; to leave a port on a boat
  5. 6. the slip of paper allowing one to board a flight
  6. 10. to come to a place from a journey
  7. 12. to leave
  8. 13. a person riding in a vehicle or transport that is not his
  9. 19. a government unit in foreign country that manages affairs between the two countries
  10. 20. an entrance, exit or checkpoint in an airport; the place from which one boards a plane