Planet Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Fastest revolution
  2. 4. Storms have been spotted swirling around its surface and freezing winds that blow about _____ times faster than hurricanes on Earth making it the windiest planet in the Solar
  3. 7. Planets Venus and Earth are called _____ because they are close together and similar in size.
  4. 8. Mercury is this color due to a mineral
  5. 9. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are known as the _______ planets
  6. 10. Saturn has _____ that are made up of millions of ice crystals
  7. 14. Earth’s protection
  8. 15. Hottest planet
  9. 17. Coldest planet
  1. 1. 6th planet from the sun
  2. 2. The Atmosphere on Venus is composed of ________ ________, which traps the sun's heat
  3. 5. Largest planet
  4. 6. Jupiter has ____ moons
  5. 8. Uranus does this instead of spinning like other planets in our Solar System
  6. 11. Giant Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are known as the _______ planets
  7. 12. 4th planet from the sun
  8. 13. Farthest planet from the Sun in the Solar
  9. 16. Mars is known to experiences violent _________ storms