Planetary Networks:Climate Change

  1. 3. major impact on the environment caused by the consumption of energy in our homes and transportation. (Answer: Pollution)
  2. 6. process in which seawater expands as it warms, contributing to rising sea levels. (Answer: Ocean Alkalinity)
  3. 8. parts of the world made up of ice, including ice sheets and glaciers. (Answer: Cryosphere)
  4. 9. term refers to changes in regional temperatures due to climate change. (Answer: Regional Warming)
  5. 10. amazing scientific accord that attributes global climate change to human use of fossil fuels. (Answer: Scientific Consensus)
  6. 11. loss of coral reefs and damage to sea floors due to trawling are examples of this cause of biodiversity loss. (Answer: Habitat Change)
  7. 13. glaciers and ice sheets melt, global sea levels continue to rise, causing this phenomenon. (Answer: Rising Oceans)
  8. 14. an invasive species is introduced to a habitat, it disrupts the existing ecosystem. (Answer: Biotic Change)
  9. 16. rise in global sea levels can lead to the submerging of these land formations. (Answer: Coral Atolls)
  10. 17. melting of the Arctic due to rising temperatures is known as the __________ Arctic. (Answer: Thawing)
  11. 18. component of the climate system responsible for filtering the sun's radiation and trapping heat on Earth. (Answer: Atmosphere)
  12. 19. rise in sea levels caused by water covering the land is known as __________ changes. (Answer: Sea Level)
  13. 20. ultimate cause of climate change in the context of human activities. (Answer: Human Activities)
  14. 21. major strategy to combat climate change that focuses on countering its effects. (Answer: Adaptation)
  15. 23. change can result in the extinction of various species, leading to __________ of Species. (Answer: Extinctions)
  16. 24. bodies of water on Earth collectively. (Answer: Hydrosphere)
  1. 1. dominant direct driver of change in marine systems, caused by excessive fishing. (Answer: Overfishing)
  2. 2. process that means we have warmed our planet enough to set an unstoppable process in motion. (Answer: Tipping Points)
  3. 4. increase in average surface temperatures on Earth. (Answer: Climate Change)
  4. 5. Here are 30 identification questions in crossword puzzle form related to the topic of "Planetary Networks: Climate Change" along with the answers:
  5. 6. network of nature that encompasses all other networks. (Answer: Planetary Network)
  6. 7. gases responsible for trapping heat inside the atmosphere and causing climate change. (Answer: Greenhouse Gases)
  7. 9. organization that enumerated a list of strategies to counteract climate change. (Answer: United Nations)
  8. 10. increase in the emission of this gas contributes to global warming. (Answer: CO2)
  9. 12. most fundamental network that connects all living species with their habitats and environments. (Answer: Ecosystem)
  10. 13. agency that implements strategies for combating climate change, including adaptation, mitigation, science, and communication. (Answer: UNEP)
  11. 15. environment's chemical composition is changing due to human activities, causing a disequilibrium that affects our __________ systems. (Answer: Climate)
  12. 16. global agreement that identifies human activities as the primary cause of climate change. (Answer: Scientific Consensus)
  13. 17. terrestrial component of the world's surface. (Answer: Land Surface)
  14. 20. life forms of the world, including marine and terrestrial plants and animals. (Answer: Biosphere)
  15. 22. climate change is important to protect the networks of nature and these ecosystems. (Answer: Biodiversity)