
  1. 3. A dwarf planet in our solar system, once considered the ninth planet.
  2. 6. The closest planet to the Sun, very hot and rocky.
  3. 7. The farthest planet from the Sun, a cold and bluish planet.
  4. 9. A planet with beautiful rings made of ice and rocks.
  5. 10. The third planet from the Sun, where we live with plants and animals.
  6. 11. The big, bright star at the center of our solar system.
  1. 1. A large celestial body that orbits around a star, like the Sun.
  2. 2. The fourth planet from the Sun, often called the "Red Planet."
  3. 4. The largest planet in our solar system, known for its size and storms.
  4. 5. The second planet from the Sun, known for its brightness.
  5. 6. A natural satellite that orbits around a planet, like the Earth's moon.
  6. 8. A planet that rotates on its side and has a blue-green color.