
  1. 2. Mercury does not have this so it's unprotected
  2. 5. planet is the hottest planet in the solar system
  3. 7. this is what gives some planets their blue color
  4. 9. is laying on its side
  5. 10. has a very large red spot that is the same an earth
  6. 11. has a very large ring
  7. 14. the great red spot on jupiter is one of these
  1. 1. the time it take for a planet to complete one rotation
  2. 3. Saturn has more of these than any other planet
  3. 4. is very blue
  4. 6. the time it takes to a planet to orbit the sun
  5. 7. the closest planet to the sun
  6. 8. is called the great red planet
  7. 12. the inner planets
  8. 13. planet that all 3 states of water