
  1. 2. Used to be the ninth planet.
  2. 4. most distant major planet orbiting our Sun.
  3. 7. trans-Neptunian object in the scattered disk and has a high-eccentricity orbit.
  4. 9. The smallest planet in the solar system.
  5. 10. Two teams claim credit for discovering it.
  6. 12. the only one known to have liquid water on its surface.
  7. 13. Sometimes is called the "Red Planet".
  1. 1. The Largest planet in the solar system.
  2. 3. one of two ice giants in the outer solar system
  3. 5. the second-largest of what is known as the classical population of Kuiper belt objects
  4. 6. spins in the opposite direction of Earth.
  5. 8. The sixth planet from the sun.
  6. 11. The middle main asteroid belt between the orbits of Mars and Makemake.