
  1. 3. Planets outside our solar system, many of which are being discovered by astronomers.
  2. 4. A gas giant that rotates on its side, with a blue-green hue.
  3. 6. Earth's "sister planet" with a thick, toxic atmosphere and scorching surface.
  4. 7. Often called the "Red Planet," known for its deserts and potential for life.
  5. 8. Worlds A term used for planets in distant solar systems with unique characteristics.
  6. 10. Our home planet, the only one known to support life, with diverse ecosystems.
  7. 11. The largest planet in our solar system with a turbulent atmosphere.
  8. 14. Recognized by its prominent ring system made of icy particles.
  9. 15. Giants A category of large planets with primarily gas compositions.
  1. 1. Natural satellites that orbit planets, with many exhibiting diverse features.
  2. 2. Planets Rocky planets with solid surfaces, including Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury.
  3. 5. The closest planet to the sun, known for extreme temperature variations.
  4. 9. The farthest known planet, marked by its deep blue color and windy storms.
  5. 12. A dwarf planet on the edge of the solar system, formerly considered the ninth planet.
  6. 13. Circular or disk-like structures around certain planets, composed of particles.