
  1. 2. The act of finding or identifying something for the first time, as with Neptune and Uranus.
  2. 3. Celestial body that orbits the Sun and is not a satellite of another planet.
  3. 6. Circular bands of particles orbiting a planet, such as the faint rings of Uranus and Neptune.
  4. 8. British astronomer credited with the discovery of Uranus in 1781.
  5. 11. Largest moon of Neptune, known for its retrograde orbit.
  6. 12. Large planet primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, like Neptune and Uranus.
  7. 13. One of the five major moons of Uranus, known for its complex and varied terrain.
  1. 1. German astronomer credited with the discovery of Neptune in 1846.
  2. 4. NASA spacecraft that visited both Neptune and Uranus, providing valuable data and images.
  3. 5. Seventh planet from the Sun, an ice giant with a unique axial tilt.
  4. 7. Eighth planet from the Sun, a gas giant known for its blue coloration.
  5. 9. Planet primarily composed of water, ammonia, and methane in its atmosphere, like Uranus and Neptune.
  6. 10. Layer of gases surrounding a planet or celestial body, such as the hydrogen-rich atmospheres of Neptune and Uranus.
  7. 13. Natural satellites that orbit planets, like Triton (Neptune) and Miranda (Uranus).