
  1. 2. The biggest gas giant and the biggest planet, known for its great red spot and moons
  2. 3. A smaller object that orbits a planet is called a moon
  3. 5. The Planet closest to the sun and a gray, dull planet
  4. 7. A dwarf planet that is in the Kuiper belt
  5. 10. An Ice giant that is the "sideways planet", it tilts on its side and is the 1st of the ice giants
  6. 11. The most massive and second largest dwarf-planet, it is the furthest away from the sun
  7. 13. A dwarf planet that is In the kuiper belt and was once a planet
  8. 15. The second of the ice giants and the furthest PLANET from the sun and the coldest planet
  1. 1. A dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt that has an oval shape due to how fast it rotates that has 2 moons and rings
  2. 3. A planet often referred to as red planet and the planet of rovers, due to the iron in the atmosphere
  3. 4. A planet filled with volcanoes and also the hottest planet
  4. 6. The smallest of the dwarf planets and it has an atmosphere and may also have water
  5. 8. The only planet to sustain life and the one we live on(you better know this)
  6. 9. has frozen methane as well as being big enough to be viewed by a telecope
  7. 12. The second biggest gas giant that has many rings that are made up of ice and rock, also has almost 80 moons
  8. 14. Different objects joined together to form rings, Saturn's are made up of ice and rock