Planets and the Solar System

  1. 4. The band of rocks that are found after the last planet.
  2. 6. The red planet.
  3. 9. The eighth planet from the sun.
  4. 10. The collection of the planets their moons and the sun is called the ___________ System?
  5. 12. One of the first men on the moon was called Neil ____________.
  6. 13. The planets ____________ the sun.
  7. 14. The number of planets around our Sun.
  8. 16. The band of rocks that are found between the 4th and 5th planets.
  9. 17. The galaxy that contains our Solar System is called the ___________ way?
  10. 19. 71% of this planets surface is covered in water.
  11. 20. Gas necessary for all life on Earth
  12. 21. Closest planet to the sun.
  13. 23. The sun is a very close one of these
  14. 24. It produces heat and light.
  1. 1. The most famous dwarf planet.
  2. 2. How many moons does the Earth have?
  3. 3. The thin layer of gasses that surround some planets, especially this one.
  4. 5. Known for the rings that surround it.
  5. 7. The largest planet.
  6. 8. The force responsible for causing the Earth and other planets to orbit the sun.
  7. 11. A word for spin on it's axis.
  8. 15. Second planet from the sun.
  9. 18. The sun orbits the Earth 365 days a ____________.
  10. 22. Seventh planet from the sun.