Planets Crossword

  1. 2. another word for "giant" planets (like the gas planets)
  2. 5. this belt is between mars and Jupiter
  3. 7. the layer of our atmosphere where meteors burn up
  4. 10. Mercury takes 88 days to go around the sun or _____
  5. 11. all the planets _________on their axis
  6. 12. planet known for its rings
  7. 16. this is the belt where pluto can be found
  8. 17. another word for "made of gas"
  9. 19. this model shows the sun in the center of the system
  10. 20. the reason why Earth is the perfect temperature
  11. 22. rocky bodies found between inner and outer planets
  12. 24. planet known for its great storms/great red spot
  13. 26. considered a dwarf planet
  1. 1. a planet that looks red due to its iron surface
  2. 3. what we call meteors that hit the earth's surface
  3. 4. icy bodies that can be found in the Kuiper belt
  4. 6. another word for "made of rock/earth-like"
  5. 8. only planet with water
  6. 9. also has rings but rotates on its side
  7. 13. closest planet to the sun
  8. 14. largest planet in the solar systems
  9. 15. this model shows everything revolving around the earth
  10. 18. the name for comets or asteroids that enter our atmosphere
  11. 21. farthest planet from the sun
  12. 23. hottest planet due to atmosphere
  13. 25. this word means "sun"