Planets Crossword

  1. 3. The fourth planet from the sun, I am also sometimes called the red planet because I am covered with red rocks and soil
  2. 4. I am the only planet in our solar system with visible rings around me (and I also have lots of moons, 62 actually)
  3. 5. I am the second planet from the sun
  4. 7. This planet is the largest in our solar system
  5. 9. The first four planets are called this because they are made mostly of rocky terrains
  6. 11. system The place in which all the planets and satellites and moons etc reside
  7. 15. This planet is the closest to the sun with surface temperatures as cold as -173 degrees(10 times colder than your freezer), and as hot as 427 degrees (twice as hot as an oven)
  8. 18. These big planets are called this because they have extremely low temperatures due to the fact that they are the furthest planets from the sun
  9. 19. I am a dwarf planet who used to be classified as a planet
  1. 1. A satellite that orbits around the earth, usually seen in the sky at night
  2. 2. These big planets are called this because they are made up of mainly gases
  3. 3. The remains of a meteoroid that is left after it has hit the ground
  4. 6. All the planets orbit around this star
  5. 8. The seventh planet from the sun, and I also spin on my side! I am called an Ice Giant
  6. 10. Natural debris floating in the solar system, small rocky objects
  7. 12. I am the furthest planet from the sun and am also called an Ice Giant
  8. 13. A circular movement around another object
  9. 14. I am the only planet to have liquid water on my surface
  10. 16. A dwarf planet 'C___'
  11. 17. I am made up of ice, water, rock and dust, when melting the dust and ice creates a long tail as I shoot through the sky