Planets Crossword

  1. 2. The only planet in the Solar System that has life
  2. 3. Everything that exists including planets, stars, galaxies and all forms of matter and energy
  3. 5. The smallest planet in the Solar System, which has now become a dwarf planet
  4. 7. The galaxy of where our Solar System belongs
  5. 9. A planet that is surrounded by rings and is the second biggest planet
  6. 10. A planet that is too small to be considered a regular planet
  7. 12. A huge bright ball of burning gas held together by gravity. The sun is one
  8. 14. The biggest planet,300 times the mass of Earth
  9. 15. A small object that is part of the solar system, it orbits the sun and is made up of ice, dust and small rocky particles
  10. 17. The number of planets in our Solar System
  11. 18. One of the four gas only planets, it is the second last planet away from the Sun and appears blue in colour
  12. 19. Known as the red planet and sits next to Earth and also has similar time to Earth
  1. 1. The planet that is closest to the Sun
  2. 4. The first person to step foot on the Moon in 1969
  3. 6. The seventh planet from the Sun and cannot be seen from Earth without a telescope
  4. 8. The study of objects and matter outside the Earth's surface
  5. 11. A person trained to be a member of a spacecraft, a space travel professional
  6. 13. The star that gives life to Earth and which all planets orbit around
  7. 16. The planet that is second closest to the Sun and sits in between Mercury and Earth
  8. 19. Orbits the Earth and is made up of craters. Can be seen from the Earth during the day and night