  1. 4. a ball of ice and rock that has a tail
  2. 5. the number of planets in our solar system
  3. 8. this is a dwarf planet
  4. 9. this is the planet we live in
  5. 10. someone who travels into space
  6. 11. this planet spins on its side
  7. 13. we see this at night. It can be full, quarter, half..
  8. 15. this planet is the hottest and is close to the sun
  9. 16. this planet is smallest and closest to the sun
  10. 17. this planet has rings around it
  1. 1. this is the largest planet
  2. 2. our galaxy - also the name of a chocolate bar
  3. 3. the name of the system planet earth is in
  4. 6. what we use to look closely at the stars
  5. 7. this planet is furthest away from the sun
  6. 12. we see this in the daytime and all the planets circle this planet
  7. 14. what astronauts travels in
  8. 16. this planet is sometimes called the red planet
  9. 17. these look like they twinkle at night
  10. 18. the best time to look at stars