Planets Crossword

  1. 2. The 4th planet from the sun
  2. 3. There are many of these in the night sky
  3. 5. The planet that is the most far away from the sun
  4. 9. Objects like Earth, Jupiter, Mercury
  5. 10. These go around a planet like Jupiter
  6. 13. The 7th planet from the sun
  7. 15. The are above/around our planet
  8. 16. The 8th planet from the sun
  9. 17. The big, yellow object in the sky
  10. 18. The closest planet to the sun
  11. 20. The Earth is one of these
  1. 1. These objects float around in space
  2. 4. Where all the planets are located
  3. 6. The 6th planet from the sun
  4. 7. The 2nd planet in the Solar System
  5. 8. This object is in the sky during the night
  6. 11. This planet has rings around it
  7. 12. This is all around us and can be found everywhere
  8. 14. We use these to visit other planets
  9. 19. The planet we live on